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USPG Regional Manager for Asia ordained at St Paul’s Cathedral

Davidson Solanki, USPG’s Regional Manager for Asia and the Middle East, was ordained as a deacon at St Paul’s Cathedral on Sunday 27 September.

Support Richard!

USPG Volunteer and Diocesan Representative the Reverend Richard Reade is planning his seventh Derwent Valley Trek in aide of USPG.

Living With a World of Difference - via Zoom

USPG's 2020 study course is being held online via Zoom this autumn.

Life Before God: Free USPG recorded sermon

Details of forthcoming pre-recorded sermons provided by USPG for use in online worship services.

News Releases

USPG General Secretary - Zoom around the World

Standing in Solidarity

The Anglican mission agency United Society Partners in the Gospel (USPG) announced today that it is launching a new campaign, STANDING IN SOLIDARITY, in response to recent events in the USA following the death in police custody of George Floyd, an African American man.

Support from USPG during the Covid-19 Pandemic - Guinea

The Island of Fotoba is a community where the main occupation of the inhabitants is fishing, and where the third oldest church in the Anglican Diocese of Guinea was constructed in 1870.

Coping with Covid -19 in the Diocese of Durgapur, North India

Coping with Covid -19 in the Diocese of Durgapur, North India

Is this a record for 'Virtual Preaching'?

Rev’d Duncan Dormor, the General Secretary of USPG ‘Zoomed around the World’ on Sunday 3 May 2020.  Virtually travelling to 33 countries, he covered well over 60,000 miles, all from his study in London!

Father Doug fundraiser for his 100th Birthday

On Saturday 30 May, retired Welsh clergyman the Rev’d Canon Douglas T Davies will mobilise more than 100 friends to participate in an ‘isolation amble’ to raise funds for United Society Partners in the Gospel (USPG).

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